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Google Play (US Store)

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Merchant Info

  • Murabba Card Domain Name

    Murabba Card Domain Name

    Item price: 60 SAR


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  • Google Play $50 (US Store Doesnt Work in KSA)

    Google Play $50 (US Store Doesnt Work in KSA)

    Item price: 275 SAR
    Out of Stock
  • Murabba Card Hosting & Domain

    Murabba Card Hosting & Domain

    Item price: 325 SAR


    - +


Murabba offers the best hardware's equipped from best datacenter The Planet our, servers from Supermicro, Dell, handle with Sun and Cisco Network Devices. We provide the highest level of security, safety, reliability, scalability and technology. Our connection is 100 MB per second and pass through the back bone. The best equipment is only part of our approach. To make sure of complete customer satisfaction, Murabba also use the best monitoring system- Nagios - Nagios systems not only monitors the system for attacks and outages, it continuously benchmarks the system for web, ftp, and email performance - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year - and our expert staff addresses the issue before it is a problem. Our protocols and infrastructure ensures that your business stays on line! Murabba your land over the internet