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Customer Usage Agreement
You must read, agree with and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this User Agreement and OneCard.nets Privacy Policy, which include those terms and conditions expressly set out below and those incorporated by reference, before you may become a member of OneCard.netOneCard website, hereinafter referred to as "OneCard", means the OneCard project, a subsidiary of the National Technology Group

All OneCard copyright and intellectual property belongs to the National Technology Group

Slogans and trademark
OneCard is a trademark registered in the name of the National Technology Group

Site services
All the services listed are done so according to OneCards policies and agreements of the company and its owners. No one has the right to quote from the site without obtaining prior permission from the sites management

Security And Secrecy
All personal and financial data held by or with OneCard is treated in the strictest confidence. Users are not entitled to pass on any information on the account of any individual, including OneCard employees and OneCard technical support. OneCard is not responsible for the use of any such information

OneCard prepaid cards are available in the outlets mentioned on the below link

Credit card data is protected by National Commercial Banks Supplier Gate contact with the credit card system

The owner of the account is responsible for his/her OneCard account information

If a credit card or bank transfer is used to refill your OneCard account, users have to ensure the veracity of the information used. If incorrect information is used, it is incumbent upon the user to correct this through communication with OneCard directly

There must be a positive balance in a user OneCard account to activate and utilize services. Users will also have to provide OneCard with correct registration data, which may be required in the case of lost passwords. In the case of non-registration OneCard cannot be held responsible for any losses incurred through user accounts and the return of user expenses or funds cannot be guaranteed

In the case of any change to user data the user is responsible for updating data in their account. OneCard will correspond with users based on the latest information held in their accounts

In the case of abuse of a OneCard account, this account will be immediately stopped by OneCard without reference to the user

Logging in to your OneCard account should be only done through the following link: https://www.onecard.net. OneCard will not bear responsibility for illegal logins to OneCard accounts

Accounts that are not activated are going to be dealt with according to what OneCard administration sees appropriate

Safety and Confidentiality
OneCard prepaid card are available in the outlets mentioned on the below link
Refill OneCard accounts

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Copyright © 2010 OneCard. All rights reserved.OneCard is a subsidiary of N2V.